- В кривом глазу все криво
- A sinful man always suspects others of some knavish intention. See От лихого не услышишь доброго слова (O), У кого желчь во рту, тому все горько (У)
Cf: Bad eyes never see any good (Am.). A crook thinks every man is a crook (Am.). Evil will never said well (Br.). Guilty men see guilt written on the faces of saints (Am.). Не who does evil suspects evil on the part of his fellow man (Am.). Ill-doers are ill thinkers (Am., Br.). Ill will never said well (Br.). Ill will never speaks well or does well (Am.). The thief thinks that everyone else is a thief (Am.)
Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. Академик.ру. 2013.